Friday, February 24, 2017

Choosing A Dedicated Mobile Site Or Responsive Website For SEO


Choosing A Dedicated Mobile Site Or Responsive Website For SEO

Speed dictates the fate of a website. As we gear toward faster-loading pages that are easier to navigate and more small-screen friendly to all users, developers are keen on keeping websites simple, light and fits into screens of all sizes.

Mobile Dedicated Sites are specifically designed for smartphones. They often stem from a separate URL (a good example is and are completely independent from the full website. The features and content added in these webpages are a fraction of what can be seen in the website, though it still provides valuable information to all users.

Responsive Website, on the other hand, is a development technique in which the system can automatically detect and adjust the web layout according to the screen size of the device on which it is displayed. Most of its web layout is intact but rearranged to fit into a smaller screen.

Both offer comfort and ease for small-screen users, but to business owners choosing which platform to use needs a lot of consideration. Local business can benefit from SEO Omaha and other mobile considerations. Learn more here.

Mobile Dedicated Site Requires Managing 2 Domains

mobile-dedicate-siteAn “m” site, to put it simply, is a downgraded version of the full website. Some of the features, functionality, and programming had been left out to keep it lightweight and speedy. According to this article the advantages of this set up includes:

  • Mobile version website will be fully responsive for desktop, tablet and smartphones.
  • It will also be fully mobile complaint and responsive.
  • Good for mobile ranking. Passes the Google Mobile-Friendly Test. Because it includes extra pages and content, this can be beneficial for SEO if you have unique or different page copy on the “m” site. At this time the general consensus among SEO experts is that this is better for mobile ranking because Google sees it as a better user experience.
  • The “m” site is specifically designed for smartphones and will display better and load more quickly.

However, it doesn’t come with a disadvantage. In the same article it says:

The major drawback with a separate small-screen version is that you’ll need to maintain two websites. This can make for extra work when updating. Redirection of some kind, user interactive or automatic using a PHP or jQuery script, can be added. Because the “m” site is separate, the code is not lumped into a single site so how the css and html work is usually more easily understood.

Responsive Design Is A Lot Of Work

The best thing about a responsive website is that there is no need for a second URL, which translates to lesser number of developers on your team since the only focus is one website. You can keep the same domain and almost everything stays the same except for the coding at the back-end.

More advantages of using responsive website, also from the same article, are listed below:

  • Responsive design, if coded correctly, will check as mobile compliant.
  • Top level site will be fully responsive for desktop, tablet and smartphones.
  • Good for mobile ranking. Passes the Google Mobile-Friendly Test. The top level homepage will be mobile for better SEO. Because it is less specifically tailored to small-screen it may rank slightly lower than a mobile version sub-site.

And it’s disadvantage is “It’s more restricting and difficult to work with. The design and load speed is more easily compromised by adding 3rd party applications and widgets, too many Google Fonts or images that are too large and/or do not include responsive widths. In most cases the webpages will include double the normal site code.

How Do You Conclude?

Aside from considering the amount your will be spending to your team of developers to maintain the website, the number of developers needed, and the kind of website you want them to develop and maintain; first take into account the overall impression of the future user on the website.

If the market you are trying to penetrate are mostly small-screen users or if the content that needs to be published are mostly large files, it matters which type of website will serve your purpose better. With this in mind, there is no use developing a mobile website if the pages just aren’t compatible in a compressed and lightweight programming.

Our lead generation efforts in SEO Portland haven’t gone to waste since we established what needs to be done and provide skillful advice to our business partners.

And if despite the facts presented above you’re still unable to decide, let us know. There’s still more room for you and your developing team on our circle of web marketing and lead generation in SEO Omaha. Free up some load and join us!


The post Choosing A Dedicated Mobile Site Or Responsive Website For SEO appeared first on Neovora.

Monday, February 13, 2017

6 Benefits Of WordPress CMS In SEO

SEO Portland CMS


6 Benefits Of WordPress CMS In SEO

WordPress started out as a blogging platform before evolving into a full pledged Content Management System or CMS. Online marketers and web publishers around the world are able to power their websites and blog without difficulty hence then.

It is a popular CMS that has SEO friendly URL structure which basically explains why it has become most-used platform. It has been designed and continuously updated to match Google’s algorithms, therefore WordPress domains can be easily indexed by Google leading to greater chances of appearing on the top list in the search pages.

Our efforts in website structuring and content publishing in local SEO Portland initiatives include simple yet high ranking online business in the local market. There is no denying how powerful CMS is in creating a path for better looking and profitable websites.

How CMS Gets Things Rolling | SEO Portland

SEO Portland CMSThe main objective of this blog is to enumerate the benefits of using WordPress as a CMS tool and that’s what we will do. Let’s dig into them right now.

Adding Content

This one is definitely a priority. With WordPress, adding content is easy. You do not need to be an HTML guru or a coding expert to be able to build your page, the platform has that configured for you, ready to use whenever you are ready to publish.

Your job is to develop a content that will latch onto the readers like a hook in a fish’s mouth. There is no escaping, no running away. Get them hooked with your content and let WordPress handle the back-office job.

Customisable Permalink

One magical rule in SEO is the appropriate use of relevant keywords. With this platform, including some important keywords in the URL will make it easier for Google to configure which topic your website is trying to be indexed to. Adding such keywords doesn’t require hours of intensive coding, it is easy and instant.


Not so surprisingly as it is a very convenient publishing platform, WordPress has a huge library of plugins (probably not just thousands, but millions) which will boosts your website’s overall functionality. This wide selection of plugins also helps web developers customize every page in any way they envision it to appear and targeted users are presumed to have better navigation experience as an end-result.

There are plugins to help you:

  • Integrate with social media
  • Convert your site into an online store
  • Turn it into an interactive portal
  • Promote travel guides
  • And so much more…


The computer world has seen how templates can ultimately cut down the amount of time a web developer needs to spend on building a page or website. In the platform’s homepage, a lot of ready-to-use graphic templates are available which will hugely affect or change the appearance of your website.

Most of the templates are free. But there are some with a price, those with more advanced coding, structure and added functionality.

Clean Code

A clean code basically minimizes the effects of third parties adding malicious parts to the existing codes. Compromised codes can be spotted by Google which then triggers this search engine to apply a warning in the search engine results pages about the affected site.

You wouldn’t want your website to be infiltrated by unwanted third parties, especially if such intrusion poses security vulnerability.

Field Customization

One of the beauty of WordPress CMS is that as a web developer, you have the option to customize every page in whatever form or appearance you want to achieve. Adding fields can either be done manually or with the use of plugins.

This option allows you to add more blog pages, subpages, and subpages with additional labels, categories or descriptions.

Learning the Benefits Of Using WordPress for Your Business Blog is an opportunity you shouldn’t miss!

Get Ready For That Big Break With CMS

The benefits you can get from using WordPress CMS in search engine optimization isn’t limited to six, there is much more and you will be able to identify them once you get the hang of developing your own pages, or you may probably have seen more.

It matters that you know how content management can get you the desired results for your site. Both SEO Portland and SEO Albany had been working closely with local clients while building sellable websites that aims to dominate the local market, and we see it happening really soon.

Join our team and let us venture in this exciting adventure that will surely get you moving to next phase of your goals!


The post 6 Benefits Of WordPress CMS In SEO appeared first on Neovora.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Google’s AMP Signifies The Change In Mobile Interface


Google’s AMP Signifies The Change In Mobile Interface

Have you noticed just how much faster some websites load than others on your mobile device? Do you often end up scratching your head when some webpages are frustratingly slow loading?

These varied load time experience is often due to Google’s Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) Project launched on the last quarter of 2015. With this, online publishers, marketing firms, and technology companies can now provide impressive mobile experience to tablet and smartphone users across the globe; thus giving Albany SEO integrated companies more opportunity to provide better assistance to local websites.

What Exactly Is An Accelerated Mobile Page?

albany-seo-ampIs this another complicated application that could stress out web developers overtime? Definitely, no! Taken from the AMP page itself, the program is explained clearly below:

It is a way to build web pages for static content that render fast. AMP in action consists of three different parts:

The AMP HTML is HTML with some restrictions for reliable performance and some extensions for building rich content beyond basic HTML. Though most tags in this project page are regular HTML tags, some HTML tags are replaced with AMP-specific tags. These custom elements, called AMP HTML components, make common patterns easy to implement in a performant way.

The AMP JS library ensures the fast rendering of these pages. This library implements all of its best performance practices, manages resource loading and gives you the custom tags mentioned above, all to ensure a fast rendering of your page.

Among the biggest optimization is the fact that it makes everything that comes from external resources asynchronous, so nothing in the page can block anything from rendering. Other performance techniques include the sandboxing of all iframes, the pre-calculation of the layout of every element on page before resources are loaded and the disabling of slow CSS selectors.

The Google AMP Cache can be used to serve cached AMP HTML pages. This is a proxy-based content delivery network for delivering all valid documents. It fetches AMP HTML pages, caches them, and improves page performance automatically. When using this, the document, all JS files and all images load from the same origin that is using HTTP 2.0 for maximum efficiency.

How Does It Achieve Its Speed?

For a start, there needs to be two versions of a webpage – the original content that the users will typically see and the the Accelerated Mobile Page version of the same page. Since this program doesn’t allow form elements and third party JavaScript, the website won’t be able to use on-page comments, lead forms, and other ad-ons most website usually have on standard pages.

Rewriting the site template will likely happen to accommodate the restrictions. By minimizing more codes, commands, and ad-ons, a website can drop down some of its weight, which would result to faster load time for webpages. Multimedia must be handled differently.

We have the amp-img element when using images and must include an explicit height and width. If the images are animated GIFs, amp-anim extended component must be used. And like how images are treated, videos hosted via HTML5 must use amp-video, but for embedding YouTube videos, there is a different extender component, the amp-youtube.

Find more in this helpful article.

With so many restrictions, what happens to the marketing revenue?

Due to the increase in the number of ad blockers, it has become more difficult for marketing experts to monetize through ads. However, many websites have found that improving website load time is one effective solution to attracting more visitors.

Viewer retention is also made possible in local lead generation as our SEO Worcester clients know.

AMP is perceived to be a solution to this issue. One of the goals of the project is to ensure effective ad monetization on the mobile web while ensuring a realistic, more user-centered approach. This means the project provides support for the wide range of ad formats from marketing agencies and technology companies.

This significant change in the mobile interface will generate revenue to online marketing and lead generation since speedy and mobile friendly websites tend to generate more views. Our Albany SEO will continuously work with local business and market to enhance the AMP experience of not just the page users but the web developers as well!

The post Google’s AMP Signifies The Change In Mobile Interface appeared first on Neovora.

Mobilegeddon | Mobile Friendliness For Knoxville SEO

Watch on YouTube here: Mobilegeddon | Mobile Friendliness For Knoxville SEO

Friday, February 3, 2017

Codes: The Bulk Of Bloated Coding


Codes: The Bulk Of Bloated Coding

greenville-seoCoding, in communications and information processing terminology, is a system of rules that convert information (words, sound, images, or videos) into another form or presentation through a channel or medium.

It is the brain, the nerve cells, and the backbone of every page, link, website, and everything else that is uploaded and downloaded in the web. This is a valuable set of texts, symbols and commands that makes online marketing, website building, and web surfing possible. As a top Greenville SEO, we know the value of an effective yet thinly-sized command in online marketing.

But coding can be as simple as a plain sentence structure or as complicated as a DNA pattern, sometimes a set of codes can either make a website stand out and gain exposure, or fail to attract viewers due to inappropriate or overly written codes.

Why Codes Drag A Site Down | Search Engine Marketing 101

Before an action can be taken to reduce code bloat or eliminate it altogether, there needs to be an understanding of what causes the heavy bulk that slows down the site. There are two common culprits of code bloat – programmer derived and computer native compiler.

A few examples of programmer derived code bloat are:

  • Overuse of object oriented (OOP) constructs
  • Incorrect usage of design patterns
  • Declarative programming
  • Excessive loop unrolling
  • Excessive use of multiple conditional If statements

And below are a few examples of native compiler bloat:

  • Redundant calculations
  • Dead code

So if you find your website running slow- probably because of bulky coding, it is important to optimize its performance as much as possible.

In doing so, you do not just enhance the chances of a site’s page speed and loading time, you are giving yourself more room to add more content on the site to give it more value, thus increasing its viewership. This link will give you more details on what keeps your site slow.

Trim Down Then Optimize For SEO Gains

Do you really need to add that much white space for a better readability? How about those extra commands that isn’t necessarily needed at all times? Those extra set of words that add weight and causes a lag in the site, do you really need them?

The first step to trimming down the complicated coding on your website is to determine which functionality and features are more crucial to the success of the site and which ones attracts and are usable to your visitors. Experts in SEO Round Rock are keen in keeping a well maintained and easy to navigate webpages.

Like WordPress for example, notice the number of plugins you see on a page. On your own WordPress site, how many plugins have you added? In a series of blogs called Keeping WordPress Healthy written by Rian Orie, his simple explanation of the concept goes like this:

Let’s say you want to add a banner slider to your site. It’s easy enough to do, right? Just find a plugin and voila! Instant gratification; however, did you notice that banner slider just added a stylesheet, web font, and two scripts to your site?

Also, did you notice that your other plugin – you know, the one that adds the social buttons to your posts – added a stylesheet and script, as well? Installing a plugin is fast and easy, but you’re likely slowing down your site every time you add one.

No matter how small of a feature or enhancement is added, it may cause a lag. Consider and prioritize what you really need.

Adding Less Works Just As Fine

In the same article Orie also explained how less coding can actually do more help and betterment on your pages.

Instead of just blatantly installing every plugin you can find, perhaps you should spend some time thinking about what they do for the site. In doing this, there’s a chance that you’ll find that better choices can be made.

I’m not saying don’t use plugins, or don’t use insert your plugin here. Instead, I’m saying to think about a plugin before you click on “Install.” Don’t just add them because they add a small improvement to your site, they might do more harm than they provide gain.

So remember: make the right choices. Focus on figuring out if you really need that plugin or feature.

If improving SEO is your goal, simple coding changes made to your site may do the trick.


The post Codes: The Bulk Of Bloated Coding appeared first on Neovora.