Monday, July 31, 2017

Engage Twitter Audience With These Effective Boosting Tactics

Engage Twitter Audience With These Effective Boosting Tactics

How do you increase your visibility, your followers, and your sales? How can you reach your target audience without having to create a lot of content or relying on a content marketing team? How can you promote your business through unforced, natural-looking posts in social media?

Kris Ruby, the CEO of Ruby Media Group (a public relations and social media agency), wrote in her blog that according to studies, 72% of Twitter users are more likely to convert into buyers from businesses they follow compared to businesses they do not. But with only 140 characters to tantalize the viewer’s attention, Twitter requires more skills in establishing your company as an industry leader.

This is why learning the different tactics to help increase audience engagement is a weapon you must wield effectively before starting your Twitter campaign, or on any social media platform for that matter. Before we break down three of the most effective tactics there are today, let’s tap into how customer engagement is calculated.

How The Interactions Are Measured

PortlandFrom a post by Ana Gotter, she wrote: “Twitter Analytics can provide most of the reporting that you need. You can find your analytics by clicking on your profile picture in the right-hand corner and selecting ‘Analytics’ in the drop down. Under Twitter’s Analytics, you can see data on your:

  • Number of impressions over a 28 day period.
  • Your engagement rate over a 28 day period (which divides your number of engagement by your impressions).
  • Which of your tweets got the most engagement.
  • What types of engagement you’re getting (you can find this by clicking on specific tweets).
  • Your average number of link clicks, retweets, likes, and replies a day.
  • The number of video views your videos have gotten (this is still in beta).
  • Conversion tracking, which will track interaction and responses to your Twitter Ads.”

Once you have these numbers on your computer screen you can begin to select which tactics will mostly help you ignite customer interaction that would certainly lead to sales conversion. Here are three of the top sales tactics we use at, try them out and see for yourself:

1. Hashtags Never Grow Old

Twitter didn’t invent the pound sign, or the ‘hashtag’ icon which became popular and is widely used today. It has been proven that using a hashtag can double user engagement rate, which also helps users to easily find trending topics on the site. This icon is also a great way for anyone to join in a conversation that is already happening or to simply organize a conversation like a Twitter chat. Here’s a few tips on creating a good hashtag:

  • Aim for a something memorable, unique, and relevant to the content.
  • Use no more than two tags per post. Studies show more than 2 can actually drop your engagement by an average of 17%
  • Always use one when participating in Twitter chats.

2. Pin Tweets To Boost Top Posts

Is there a way to keep one tweet at the top of your profile for as long as you need to? Well, of course yes! Pin an important or informative tweet for your followers to see. It’s very simple and easy yet the boosting effect is a smashing hit. Just click the “…” icon on the tweet you want to pin and select “Pin to your profile page.” Neovora has several blogs that can help you promote your brand on social media. Or check out these tips:

  • Select and pin a tweet with an eye catching image to boost retweet by 35%.
  • Add a strong call-to-action line since this will serve as an advertisement on your profile, which is totally free.
  • And by adding a URL in the pinned tweet, you’ll get 86% more engagement.

3. Emoticons Are Cute

A plain block of text, no matter how short it is, can look boring and uninteresting. Consider breaking up the texts with emoticons. These colorful variety of characters and symbols shows playfulness which can give your brand a bit of personality. Some statistics show that emoticons can boost the comment and share rate of your posts. It can also help increase favorites up to 57%.

The post Engage Twitter Audience With These Effective Boosting Tactics appeared first on Neovora.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Top 3 Twitter Engagement Tactics To Boost Brand Exposure

Top 3 Twitter Engagement Tactics To Boost Brand Exposure

What is “Twitter Engagement”? Well, it’s a process wherein someone engages with your post, which can be accomplished in multiple ways like favoriting, retweeting, and responding to your tweet, or clicking through the link on your post. One statistic show that 15% of users will mostly likely unfollow a brand within three weeks if  it hasn’t made enough and solid effort to keep users engaged early on.

Additionally, posts with images are 34% more likely to get retweeted compared to those that don’t contain images. And character count also has a huge factor in customer engagement. Did you know that a hashtag with 11 or more characters have 117% chance of getting retweeted than hashtags with 6-10 characters. This statistic alone is a sure-fire proof that this platform can help bring in more engaged users into your business.

How To Boost Brand Exposure

Internet Marketing AlbanyBefore we dig into the engagement tactics to boost your business, it’s important to know how Twitter Engagement is calculated. When measuring your engagement results, there are four main elements that are considered and added together in a given report period. These are the:

  • Replies (counted when your handle is used at the beginning of a reply),
  • Retweets (when a follower shares your post),
  • Mentions (when a user includes your handle in a post), and
  • Likes (when a user clicks the heart icon).

So, how do you get favorable numbers for all four elements? Here’s how…

Memes and GIFs To Show Personality

Adding memes and GIFs occasionally will help turn a plain text into a fun and interesting post that makes it harder for viewers to scroll past. It is one way of showing your company’s personality while initiating customer engagement. It’s also now a popular marketing strategy for many top companies. Here are a few tips to maximize the results using this tactic:

1.Use real-life pictures of employees within the company. Compared to memes found floating around the internet, employee pictures give a personal feel and helps build the story behind your brand.
2.GIFs are great at promoting special offers and events.
3.Use the correct sizing for both media and add a witty or catchy caption.

Post Standalone Graphics

Standalone graphics are images that provides information to audiences without the need to link to a page or site for support. It can offer bits of information about your product or brand, plus a popular quote or statement from a well-known personality. Standalone graphics has been proven to increase retweets by 19%. At Neovora, we have a list of marketing tactics for different social media platforms.

Here’s how you can achieve remarkable results using graphical posts:

1.Use a graphic text that provides quick but easily understandable information.
2.Take small pieces of information from your blogs to add into your graphic.
3.Use tools like Canva (or outsource the job) to create the content.


Share Content From Other Sources

Did you know that sharing the content of others is one of the best ways to show flexibility? It’s one way of letting your audience know that your posts aren’t all about your business, and that you value the work of others enough to share it on your feed. This tactics is content curation, and 82% of marketers curate content. It gives your followers a wider range of content material and better viewing experience. To make this tactic work, you need to:

  1. Find the best content, one that you enjoy and one with a topic that your audience often talks about. Find something that is informative and helpful.
  2. Share content from influencers. Choose content from the leaders in your industry to help establish a connection with them and with your target market. We recently shared a post on how to do this… click here to learn more.
  3. Plan out the materials you want to curate for consistency.

The post Top 3 Twitter Engagement Tactics To Boost Brand Exposure appeared first on Neovora.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

5 Easy Ways to Increase Facebook Engagement

Increase Facebook User Engagement In 5 Easy Ways

Facebook is a social media platform we here at Neovora use for ourselves each day. It’s not just for users who are into sharing daily activities with the public and keeping tabs on people in their feeds; it’s also for businesses looking to reach targeted audience and increase brand exposure. It’s a place where businesses can act as a regular user but with a bigger campaign plan to accomplish bigger marketing goals.

Many users have different ways of engaging to a certain post (in the form of likes, comments, or shares), all depending on the content and the type of update posted on a wall. According to a Zephoria study statistic, in every one minute there are: 510,000 comments, 293,000 statuses update, and 136,000 photos upload.

What does these numbers implicate? This is a clear evidence that there are a lot of engaged and active users on the site, but at the same time the information competition is huge. Whether your posts will get the attention it needs, it will depend on how creative your ideas are.

User Engagement: Taking It A Notch Higher

Internet Marketing WorcesterBy knowing how to ignite engagement from your followers, existing customers, and overall visitors, you might hit those target numbers sooner than expected. So it pays to know which marketing strategy can help you convince users to tap the like, share, or comment button. You can start by using these simple template posts.

“Fill in the blank. My [activity] must-have is ________.”

This type of post will help people think about upcoming events. And while it stimulates them to think about what they would do, it’s also a great way to get them to talk about your product or service. The trick is to use an activity that is relevant to the service or brand you’re trying to promote such as Friday night outs, weekend camping trips, food blogging, etc.

It is important to focus on what you wish to accomplish when using this template. Here are a few examples:

Fill in the blank. “My Saturday evening must-have is _______.”
Fill in the blank. “My camping trip must-have is _______.”

Like vs Share Option

A “Like” vs “Share” option is an easier way for users to voice their opinion about your post by engaging with your brand. Basically, the two opposing sides give people two competing options. It acts as a social proof of the number of people participating, which encourages others to join in, and ultimately shows which option is winning.

To accomplish this, create an image with two sides, preferably a mash-up of images, each with descriptive titles, and the most important of all, an overlay graphic that reads “Like vs Share”. Don’t forget to add a short description that reinforces how viewers can participate, then wait for the instantaneous reaction from your visitors. Visit for more tips on effective social media marketing.

Caption This!

This template is 95% visual and 5% text – very simple and fun. This is often effective with images or Vines (short-format videos) that only needs two words, “Caption This!” The visuals can be about anything – funny pictures of animals, toddler moments, awe-inspiring landscapes and scenery, or crazy human moments.

When using this type of approach, take into consideration the kind of emotion you want to stir within every person who would see the post. It can be funny in general, puzzling, shocking, or inspiring. Choose visuals that could strike anyone at first glance which could trigger them to engage with it.

The post 5 Easy Ways to Increase Facebook Engagement appeared first on Neovora.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Three Pinterest Strategies To Help Boost Your Business

Three Pinterest Strategies To Help Boost Your Business

Next to Facebook and Twitter, there is no doubt that Pinterest is one of the most popular social media sites today. More users referred by the site are more likely to purchase products than those sent by other social media giants. With its unique and super simple navigation ways, everyone has access to ideas, samples, guides, How-To’s, content, images, and techniques that might be vital to one or more person.

Pinterest has more than 150 million monthly active users, and most of the people joining are outside the U.S. So to continue the growth — usage is up about 50 percent year over year, as last year there were 100 million monthly active users — Pinterest has taken new approaches, including employing artificial intelligence, a faster system for ranking, and localization of content,” says Jordan Novet in an article posted on venturebeat.

With a huge user-base, Pinterest can definitely help you reach your target audience through aesthetic, well-planned, strategically organized Boards. Every member of the website has the ability to customize their own Boards however they see fit, which is a driving factor for many to proactively direct links to their target web pages (more likely a direct link to their own website).

The Must-Try Pin Strategies

internet marketing wilmingtonWould you like to reach the 150 million active monthly users? Would you like to know what categories are the most used out of the 20 million pin recommendation candidates ranked per second? How about the 200 million visual searches per month? If you do, Neovora can help you start reaching more people with these simple but effective methods.

Board Optimization

How you name and describe your boards are equally important. It tells users what to expect from your pins and at the same time, it helps them find your content. In as much as possible, make these names and descriptions an exact match of the keywords your target audience would use in searches. If you are into the clothing business, narrow it down by using specific terms like skinny jeans or off-shoulder tops or use popular brands.

Don’t forget to optimize the description of each board. The limit is 500 characters, therefore you can keep the content short but precise and contains at least a gist of your overall business; write it down like you would with a meta description for an article or blog post.

Pin Description Optimization

In addition to board optimization, you would want to optimize the individual pin descriptions. Often underutilized, the context found in this section helps visitors understand what the pin is about. It is a good engagement factor which leads to getting likes, comments, and re-pins. But don’t just throw in random thoughts when describing a pin.

Keep in mind that it helps your target audience understand the pin, therefore it might require a lot more thinking. Draw out the writer in you and piece together the best marketing piece you can muster. It may be a bit of work but it’s totally worth it!

“Pin It” Button

The ‘Pin It’ button is like a little a power button that allows your users to take charge in pinning content, images, and posts from your website. To simply put it, allow them to do the work for you. With this button, visitors can share your pages or posts using the pin button in a few clicks instead of copy-pasting the URL, opening the Pinterest site, then share. It’s less work for them, and much lesser for you!

The best part of this strategy is the possibility of reaching different audience type, not just your target market. The visitors and readers who pin your posts have their own followers, and these followers will see the activity in Pinterest which could increase the impression of your content and could lead to higher conversion rate.

There are far more advanced marketing strategies for businesses to boost traffic and increase conversion. Check out this beginner’s guide for more information. Or visit for additional social media marketing strategies.

The post Three Pinterest Strategies To Help Boost Your Business appeared first on Neovora.