Monday, March 16, 2020

How to Use Your Facebook Business Page To Its Full Capability

How to Use Your Facebook Business Page To Its Full Capability

You likely know of our company and products through Facebook. We spend a lot of money to use the platform in order to raise awareness and to connect to the prospects we have created products for. Our product for Facebook is one that boosts social engagement.

Facebook is the most direct and powerful tool for marketing ever. It’s laser precision is something never before seen. This post will talk about how to use Facebook business page and the benefits of doing so. More than anything it’s a quick guide and introduction into the need for you to leverage the social media giant. There are already step by step guides out there, so we won’t cover the absolute basics.

How Can Facebook Be Used for Marketing

Facebook is an obvious choice for advertising online. Here are some of the biggest benefits, from Postplanner:

Top 10 Benefits of a Facebook Business Page

1. Increased Exposure to Potential Customers – 1.19 BILLION USERS.

2. Gather More Leads – Smart businesses gather leads in the form of email addresses — so they can contact their community outside of Facebook.

3. Lower Your Marketing Expenses – Starting a Facebook business page costs you exactly $0.

4. Reach a Targeted Audience – If you’re a local business, direct your ads to target customers within a 10-15 mile radius. The ads might cost you more, but the Likes and potential customers are laser targeted.

5. Use Facebook Insights – They’re easy to understand, and they provide great information for business owners.

6. Build Brand Loyalty – Besides being a place to build a customer base and sell products, a Facebook business page can do wonders for helping you build brand loyalty.

7. Increase Your Web Traffic – Smart Facebook page owners use their pages to drive traffic to their websites.

8. Boost SEO – Links from Facebook go back to your website, a huge ranking signal.

9. Be Mobile Ready – When people view your Facebook page on a mobile device it shows users all the relevant information they need to call or stop by.

10. Spy on Your Competition! – An interesting new feature on Facebook pages lets businesses spy on competitors.

Facebook Marketing for Beginners

It’s important to distinguish between personal use and professional use. The way you use the platform through personal and professional channels are completely different. Let’s get into the easiest and simplest tips you can do in order to maximize.

how to use facebook business page

How to Maximize Facebook Business Marketing

1. Professional Profiles often Use a Logo

People often recognize brands with its associated logo. Getting found and getting likes on Facebook is easier when people recognize your Page and your posts right away. Since a profile picture is located at the top of your Page and is used as a thumbnail for all your posts, give it character. Make it noticeable.

2. Maximize the ‘About Us’ Section

Give people immediate access to the most important details about your company:

    • What are you selling?
    • What time do you open and until when?
    • How about on weekends?
    • How about your customer service number?
    • And don’t forget to add your website.

By giving people these information right away, you’re initially giving them a positive site visit experience.

3. Use Targeting Tools for Every Content Posts

Organic posts can also benefit from using targeting tools, and not just the paid ads. Instead of bombarding your audience with every content you plan to post, think of ways to integrate targeting tools. This can largely help you organize content posting schedules based on the target audience’s location, gender, age, professional class, interests, education, etc. You might have a better engagement rate if your targets are more specific.

4. Post Regularly

Posting twice a day is often ideal. It doesn’t crowd your page, it doesn’t look too salesy. It’s just enough for not to forget about your Page, it doesn’t seem too pushy. You can post anything you think the followers will like, especially an informative post or an image that comes with a helpful message. Visual content has impact and people tend to remember them better.

5. Create every Post with Impact

The best way to get your audiences’ attention is to make an impact with your posts. Be it a helpful, insightful, educational, or even a reminder post, always give them a reason to stay interested in your content. Make them want more posts from you, make them visit your page again by giving something beneficial to their day. You stay fresh in their minds and will mostly likely point other people to your page.

6. Be Strategic with Time

People are active on Facebook at different times of the day. Different pages have different posting hours depending on their target audience. However, some research has shown that between 1 – 4 p.m. have the most number of shares and click-through rates. This doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best time for your page too, but it can be a good starting point to figure out which time day you should post content.

7. Quick Response, Better Engagement

Did you know that 42% of customers complaining on social media, either through a post or by leaving a comment, expect an immediate response? A 60-minute response time satisfies any unsatisfied customer. So, if you see a comment, respond to it right away, especially when it’s from an unhappy customer. Take a few minutes a day to check your Facebook Page, look out for those unpleasant remarks, and try to resolve the issue right away.

facebook business marketing

8. Paid Ads Boost Organic Posts

By now, you already have an idea of the type of content that works, those that give you better Return of Investment (ROI) results. Boost these organic content with paid ads to widen your reach, attract more people to visit your page, and increase your following.

Develop A Facebook Page Marketing Plan

Okay, so now you have some actionable steps… put them in action. To further develop your strategy, here are a few more strategic insights.

Make a calendar, develop a strategy, and get busy! This takes time, effort, money, and will improve your life in the long run. You can also focus on your original business plan, your day to day operations, and leave the actual posting and heavy lifting to use. We offer a daily posting service for many industries.

The post How to Use Your Facebook Business Page To Its Full Capability appeared first on Neovora.

This post How to Use Your Facebook Business Page To Its Full Capability was featured on Neovora

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