Thursday, April 9, 2020

How Do I Optimize My ‘Google My Business’ Listing For COVID-19?

How Do I Optimize My Google My Business Listing For COVID-19?

We at Neovora understand the difficulty facing every small business in America. COVID-19 (coronavirus) is the biggest shock to our livelihood and health in most of our lives so far.

This blog seeks to arm you with simple steps you can take right today to communicate with your customers, acquire new ones, and come back to normalcy stronger than your competitors. We’ll show how you can optimize your GMB listing to capitalize on this disaster.

  1. Where we are now

  2. What to do to retain clients while you are closed

  3. How to reopen stronger than ever

Where We Stand Currently

Take a look at this timeline. As of this writing, we are past the demand crash, and are in the midst of hibernation. Unsure of when the hibernation (shutdown ends), we are eagerly waiting for the quarantine to be lifted.

Once the hibernation period ends, next comes client rush and then a surge of demand, and eventually normalcy. BUT not all medical professionals, local businesses, or other organizations will weather the hibernation.

So this guide is here to help you strategically maneuver through these difficult and unknown waters and make it through to some form of normalcy in the future.

How To Retain Your Existing Client-base in Uncertain Times

Your Website

Your website is still the first place that existing clients and prospects will visit to see your current operating status.

Ensure you have a clear message on your website homepage, that includes:

  • Your opening hours. If you are closed, include a statement saying so.
  • Provide contact information for emergencies.
  • Display a process to show you are aware of the COVID-19 hygiene recommendations and how you are addressing them.

A nice way to make sure that everyone sees your message is to add a popup such as the example below:

How do I manage my business listing on Google

Update and Optimize Your Google My Business Listing

Prospects searching for you or your market products are likely to come across your Google My Business Listing, like the example here:

set up google business page

Make sure that yours is up to date. These listings are crucial on mobile devices and most will use this information instead of visiting your site..

Also, you can add longer messages or descriptions that show below the reviews section. Make sure that you update this with the same information as your website:

  • Your opening hours. If you are closed, include a statement saying so.
  • Provide contact information for emergencies.
  • Display a process to show you are aware of the Covid-19 hygiene recommendations and how you are addressing them.

IMPORTANT: If you haven’t claimed your google maps business listing – then you absolutely need to set up your google business page! Check this blog post on how to claim and optimize your listing.

Facebook Notices

All the same points for GMB apply to your Facebook page. Communicate with clients in the same way. Update your status.

Email Newsletter

Don’t forget you can email your clients if you have their emails. Send out the same notifications, updates, and policies you have on your website and Facebook page during the shutdown to inform those who have purchased with you or were once interested that you are still here for them and have their best interests at heart.

A simple image with some dialogue can go a long way:

update google business listing

Google Ads – Increase Your Reach

If you are open during the pandemic, you should be running Google Ads to increase your presence. This is especially true if you are performing  any emergency services: dental, HVAC, etc.

To reach these clients, implement a small Google Ads campaign. The key to making sure the campaign is inexpensive is to only show ads for those emergency or urgent terms that generate immediate inquiries.

When It’s Time To Reopen

Sometime here in the future, the economy will reopen, so before that time comes, have a plan.

1. Contact your clients who were in the middle of buying.

Contact all stalled business, those who had cancelled appointments, those who had to hold. Use their direct contact or any available channels. Cell, email, SMS, anything. Get them back into your door, explain your hygiene understanding for safety.

2. Contact all your prospects and existing clients.

There will most likely be higher than usual demand for your market and products, as things have been stalled. Contact them directly on phone, email and SMS to let them know you are open and operating for them.

3. Tell your audience and community members.

    • Update your website and all messaging
    • Add a “We’re opening back up!” message before you open.
    • Include messaging on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, in addition to your most important asset, your Google My Business listing.

Finally – How To Get Back on Track

  • Update your website with your current status (hours, status, policy).
  • Ensure your Google Business Listing is 100% current and up to date.
  • Use email and social posts to communicate to patients and prospects.  Let them know you are around, when you’ll open, how you are handling the situation.
  • Prepare your re-opening statements onto all media channels.

Learn more about the critical role Google My Business plays in your foundational marketing structure with our FREE actionable checklist. This checklist walks you though all the important elements you must have in place to reach the maximum number of new prospects and keep your sales pipeline full. It’s a 10-minute read, and walks you step by step on how you can leverage your GMB listing to increase your bottom line. Get INSTANT access by simply entering in your name and email in the form below.  Learn this information before your competitors do!

The post How Do I Optimize My ‘Google My Business’ Listing For COVID-19? appeared first on Neovora.

This post How Do I Optimize My ‘Google My Business’ Listing For COVID-19? was featured on Neovora

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